They pass undigested into the colon where they increase bowel mass and promote growth of certain bacteria. People use GOS for eczema, colic, hay fever, food allergies, constipation, obesity.
Zyrex 70% Galacto Oligosaccharides (GOS)Powder Pack of 100 Gram
₹1,500.00 ₹960.00
Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) powder has a variety of uses, including:
Infant health
GOS are added to some infant formulas to mimic the actions of those in human milk. GOS may help prevent eczema in infants at risk for allergies, and reduce crying in infants with colic.
Lactose intolerance
GOS may help improve symptoms like stomach pain, cramps, and bloating in people who are lactose intolerant.
GOS acts as a prebiotic, which means it feeds the “good” bacteria in the intestine.
Food industry
GOS is used in the food industry to modify viscosity, emulsification capacity, gel formation, freezing point, and food coloring.
Immune system
GOS may help modulate the gut microbiome and immune system, which could be beneficial for older individuals.
GOS are chains of galactose molecules that are found in all mammalian milks. They have a number of health benefits, including:
Bifidobacterial growth
Treatment of constipation
Prevention of atopic disease
Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome
Increased resistance to infections
Prevention of gastrointestinal infections
Improved absorption of calcium
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