Kalyaan Herbal Kanda Thippili(Piper Longum) Capsules Pack of 60 Capsules
₹900.00 ₹580.00
Long Pepper is a climber, of South Asian origin (Deccan peninsula), cultivated for its fruit, which is usually dried and used as a spice and seasoning. Long pepper is a close relative of the black pepper plant, and has a similar, though generally hotter, taste. The word pepper itself is derived from the Sanskrit word for long pepper, pippali. It is a slender, aromatic, climber with perennial woody roots, creeping and jointed stems, and fleshy fruits embedded in the spikes. Leaves are numerous, 6.3 to 9.0 cm, broadly ovate or oblong-oval, dark green and shining above, pale and dull beneath. The older leaves are dentate, dark in color and heart shaped. The younger leaf is ovate in shape and contains 5 veins on them. Flowers are monoceous and male and female flowers are borne on different plants. Male flower stalk is about 1 to 3 inch long and female flower stalk is ½ to 1 inch long. Fruit is long. When it ripes it attains red color and when it dries it attains black color. It is one inch in diameter. The plant flowers in rains and fruits in early winters.
Pippali is certainly one of the most widely used of all Ayurvedic herbs. It is one of the best herbs for enhancing digestion, assimilation and metabolism of the foods we eat. Long pepper contains the alkaloid Piperine which is the main reason for its strong, spicy and pungent taste.
Internal Health Benefits:
Pippali with its antioxidant properties helps in relieving stress. It helps to treat insomnia and sleep problems.
It has the property to remove the fat and toxins from the body thus promoting weight loss.
Indian Long pepper has rejuvenating property and removes cold from the respiratory tract.
Thipili has the antibacterial, antiseptic and antibiotic property which helps to treat fever.
Pippali or Thippili helps to get relief from arthritis
Thippili helps regulate the blood sugar level and hence it good for diabetes people.
External Benefits:
Pippali powder or Thippili powder can reduce tooth pain.
Long pepper helps in healing skin related problems.
How to use Internally :
It can also be used in cooking and Thippili rasam is a south Indian dish famous for curing cold and cough.
It is advised to take 1 gram of the Long pepper powder mix with milk after the food.
How to use externally:
Pippali powder or Thippili powder mixed with water can be applied over teeth to reduce tooth pain.
Make a paste of long pepper powder with water and apply on the affected area reduce pain and swelling of the skin.
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